Tuesday, February 16, 2010

What I want to say to him

You say that your number one priority is family. I guess you show that priority by beating your wife and saying that you want your child to die. You know what your number 1 priority is? Yourself. You are such a cocky and self-centered asshole and I can't believe that you still are so cocky. I would have hoped that being convicted and going to jail at the very least would bring you back down to the real world a little.

I don't understand why you think you have say in this baby's name. As far as I'm concerned the moment you told me you wanted the baby dead while at the same time you are giving me a black eye was the moment you gave up any rights to this child. I hate you for all the things you did and said. And now you say that if we can discuss the baby's middle name you'll let me give it the first name I want. You'll LET me? No no no, there is no discussion when it comes to this child. I have been alone since 10 weeks pregnant. Sure, I am the one that left you, but I really didn't have a choice because I love my child so much and there is no way I was going to stay around you and keep the baby in danger. I am also going to be raising this child alone so it's my say.

Yes, I know you want to be involved and that you want joint custody, but I don't feel like you have changed much and there is no way that I am going to let a violent man have joint custody of my child. I still have the fear that if you were alone with the child you would shake it out of anger when it won't stop crying or that when it's older you'll hurt it for something as simple as spilling it's drink. These are legitimate fears based on what you've done before.

You feel like you have done your time and served your punishment and that I should just let you do what you want. Two weeks in jail is nothing compared to going through pregnancy alone, knowing that I am going to raise this child alone. That's not even mentioning the issues you have left me with that I need to work through. I can't trust anyone. There is this guy who has been talking to me and he seems real nice, but I just can't trust anything he says because I am always thinking "What if he is trying to trick me, to pull me in? And then once he knows I'm into him he'll start showing his true self." It's sad. Yesterday this guy complements me and instead of being excited about it, I called the girl who introduced me crying and asking her if she's sure this guy is ok. She's keeps telling me he's a great guy, but I can't trust that because I know people who would say you are a good guy too.

You're so great with words and you can talk people into things really easily. That's why I'm not talking to you on the phone anymore, it is too hard because you are still trying to be in control. I am your EXwife, not your wife, so stop! I can't believe how selfish you are, how cocky you are and just that you think you have any rights. You have not said a true I'm sorry, though I am sure you could never say it enough to me.

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