Monday, February 8, 2010

Pilates I was going to write about my pilates workout I tried today, but as soon as I sat down to write I got a phone call from the mediator for my husband and I, I can not talk to him without getting frustrated. My (soon to be ex!) husband just got out of jail yesterday, I requested to change my mpo (military version of a restraining order) to say that he can't come near me but that we can be in contact over the phone and e-mail. I am not sure if husband knows this or not yet, but since he talked to the mediator today to have him call me I guess he doesn't know, otherwise he could have called me himself.

Well the guy's reception was really bad so I couldn't catch everything that he was saying but it seemed like he was telling me that now that Isaiah is out of jail he wants to know how I feel about everything and it seemed like the mediator was wanting to know if I want to meet up where the three of us can talk. Sorry buddy, but the time for talking and making up is way long past. I don't want to talk to Isaiah unless it is directly involving the baby (visitation and child support), our divorce or selling our house. I definatly do not want to sit down and talk about our feelings or try any type of mediation. I know that I shouldn't cut him out just because of my feelings if he wants to be involved with the baby because it wouldn't be fair to the baby but if it doesn't have to do with our divorce or the baby I just don't want to talk to Isaiah. He needs to learn that he can't talk me into doing anything and the best thing he could do is to move on and leave me alone and try to improve his life without me.

I am so frustrated, I really hope he doesn't think that he can talk me into getting back together or anything like that and I hope he realizes that he isn't really going to talk me into anything. He is a smooth talker but I am not going to go for anything he says because I flat out don't trust him and after waht he has done I am going to be the only person calling the shots when it comes to my baby and my life.

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