Sunday, January 31, 2010

10 nice things...

"Make a list of 10 nice things you could do for yourself"

1. Read a book outside
2. Play with a dog
3. Take a nap
4. Watch a funny movie
5. Go swimming
6. Do my hair in a different style
7. Make blueberry pancakes
8. Make something crafty for my home
9. Call someone who always lifts my spirits
10. Take a beautiful picture of myself

"Now select one and do it"

I'm going to go with read a book outside because the sun is out and I love that my apartment complex has picnic benches outside, I wish I went out to them more often so I am going to take this opportunity to do it.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Sweet offer

My friend C, who is also throwing me my baby shower, offered this week to have me move in with her. I have been thinking about it this week and I think I'm going to go for it. There are plenty of benifits to moving in with her, and the only con I could think of is her dog around the baby. But I talked it over today with another friend of ours and he pointed out to me that the dog won't really be that big of a deal. So next time I talk to her I'm going to let her know that I am interested in moving in. She is leaving in a few months and then I'll probably just take over her apartment once she leaves. She is the same person I stayed with when I first left Isaiah so I am comfortable there. I have gotten so used to living on my own and I like it, but it will be nice to have her there for a few months and to live in a better place.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Back from Florida

I got back from Florida last night and am very happy to be home. I had to go to Isaiah's court martial and I really didn't like it. I hope I don't have to ever testify in court ever again...

The baby has been moving around like crazy! It is fun to see all the baby's parts going around and feeling all the movements. My cousin sent me some stuff from South America including a little hat for the baby.

That's a picture of the baby's hat next to one of mine, I think it is so cute. I bought birthday presents for my dad and brother today, I am excited for them to get their gifts but am still trying to figure out what to get for my mom. All their birthdays are in the same month.
I signed up for my technology test today, it is the last test I need to take before I get my AA degree, and also the one that is hardest for me so I'm really going to have to study because if I can pass it next week that will be great! Then I'll have my AA before my baby is born. Once I get my AA I want to start doing online courses.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Dear LO,

I promise to be the best mom I can be. I can't promise you that I'll feel good every day but I will do everything I can to make sure that when you are grown up and look back on your childhood you have happy memories. I promise to set boundries and rules for you so that you'll grow to learn to do the right thing. I promise to have fun with you, I promise to be goofy with you and to laugh a lot! I promise to encourage your dreams no matter what they are. I promise to answer your questions, even the tough ones. I love you so much. Right now you are moving around inside me, I love that feeling but I can't wait to hold you for the first time. I can't wait to bring you home and start our life together. I want you to be proud of your mom so I will do my best to be the kind of woman that you can grow up to be proud of. I love you.
Your momma

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


This morning I took a test for work and I think I did alright. Then I had my gestational diabetes test, the drink they gave me was pretty gross but it wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I don't know when I'll get my results.
I had to hire a lawyer finally which was very tough on me but it needed to be done so I did it. I am still disappointed, I was so upset that the money I wanted to have set aside for my darling child has to be used to pay for a lawyer.
I am going to get maternity photos done and I am excited about that. I think it will be really fun and it will be so nice to have those pictures. The baby has been moving a lot which I love! I wish other people could feel it move or see it move but the baby rarely seems to cooperate when other people are watching... at least I get to experience it!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

The beginning...

Today I am 30 weeks pregnant. I have been thinking about doing a blog for a while, but finally decided to go for it. The main reason I am doing it is to get to track the rest of my pregnancy and my child's life.

So, here is a little background on me...
I got married in May '09, got pregnant in July and left my husband at the end of Aug because he was abusive and I was scared for my child. I am not glad about how my marriage turned out or that I am in this situation but it's where I'm at and I can't do anything to change it. All in all, I am so grateful for my child because it probably would have taken me a lot longer to get up the courage to leave if I hadn't gotten pregnant.

So, now I have only a couple months left until my baby will be full term and I am very excited. I am slowly collecting all the things I need for the baby and I know that I am going to be a good mom.

Today I had some friends over for dinner. I made pulled pork, rolls and frozen strawberry dessert and I am really glad with how it all turned out because all the food was good and it was really nice to have friends over here.

Also I got a package from my cousin, a late Christmas present, and it was wonderful! A really sweet card and she also gave me a journal, a scarf from Ecudor and an adorable hat for my baby from Peru. It was such a nice suprise to get that package.